Acupuncture Holiday Specials
Stress Buster and Do-Gooder
Prepare for the holiday gatherings and shopping extravaganzas with a 45-min acupuncture treatment. Treatments consist of a basic stress relief protocol.
Nourish your soul at the same time by bringing a toy to donate.

$15 and a toy for Toys for Tots gives you a 45 minute treatment.
Wednesday, December 7th from 4 pm – 7 pm
Saturday, December 10th from 10 am – 12 pm
Wednesday, December 14th from 4 pm – 7 pm
Space is limited, call 773-775-4257 or register on our website.
Qigong Class for New Hope Pantry - Holiday Toy and Food Drive
If you have ever wondered about taking a Qigong class, this is your chance! Qigong is a system of self-healing that has been used in China for more than 2,000 years to maintain health and treat disease. It consists of gentle exercises synchronized with breath and slow movement to harmonize body, mind and spirit.

Join us on Saturday, December 10th 9:00 am – 9:45 am for a beginner’s level Qigong class. There is no cost for the class - we only ask you to bring a toy, gift card or non-perishable food item for New Hope Pantry. All are welcome but space is limited, please call or register on our website.
Holiday Gift Certificate Sale
What could be better than a gift of stress relief and some quiet healing time to recharge and relax? This holiday season, we encourage you to shop locally and to share the goodness of acupuncture and/or massage therapy with your loved ones. Just one treatment can make a huge difference and be a great reboot for the New Year.
Save $10 per certificate towards private acupuncture and/or massage when purchased by December 23rd.

Valid for new and existing patients. Limit 4 per recipient. Cannot be used toward community acupuncture or combined with other discounts. Purchase over phone, online or in person.