Private acupuncture treatments allow you to discuss your condition in depth with the practitioner and receive any of the of Oriental medicine services (acupuncture, cupping, gua sha, moxa, herbal consult, massage), as appropriate, during your treatment.
Private acupuncture treatment is the best option for those with multiple health concerns that are difficult to diagnose and treat. People with conditions such as autoimmune disorders, reproductive health and fertility, neurological disorders, cancer support, dermatology or those on multiple medications also fall into this category. These cases require advanced diagnostic skills and the use of the full range of therapeutic modalities.
You may also wish to be in a private room if you need to disrobe to work on more widespread or sensitive areas of the body. Finally, this is the best option for people who simply wish for greater privacy, more quiet and personalized attention.
Community acupuncture simply means that treatments are not delivered in private treatment rooms but rather in a group setting. Treatments are given in comfortable reclining chairs in our community acupuncture space with needles placed primarily on the limbs and head. The group setting allows us to see multiple patients per hour while still providing personalized care and quality acupuncture. This makes it possible for us to treat our patients at a much more affordable rate to a greater number of people. It also allows you to come in with your family or friends and receive treatments together. Our goal is to make high quality acupuncture accessible and affordable for anyone who desires to take advantage of its healing power.
Please note that before you can utilize the community acupuncture service your initial treatment must be private. This is because new patients require more time discussing their health history and depending on the nature of the ailment, community acupuncture is not always the ideal setting for the first treatment. After the first private treatment, patients can choose either private or community for subsequent sessions.